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5 ways to love your real estate business in any market

“She said, Im not giving up. The woman I’ll be a few years from now is counting on me , and the world shifted.” – Nakeia Homer

The real estate market is especially challenging right now. High interest rates keep buyers at bay, sellers are hesitant to give up their locked-in low rates, and our industry has taken a public relations beating. It’s enough to make any agent reconsider their career path.

When so much in my business is beyond my control, I’ve been focusing on what I can control – myself and how I show up every day to create my most ideal opportunities.

Success habits: The building blocks of a thriving business

In the 4th module of The Elevated Agent Collective course, I teach my students how to create their most ideal opportunities by showing up as their most ideal selves.

Recently, I began Elite Business Coaching with Dan Martell, after a friend recommended I read his book, Buy Back Your Time. Dan attributes his success in business to elevating his personal standards and developing his 5 daily non-negotiables.

Implementing Dan’s 5 daily non-negotiables has transformed the way I feel about feel about myself and my business because no matter what else is happening in my day, I feel good physically, clear mentally, and know that I’ve accomplished things that are moving my business forward. Here are my 5 daily non-negotiable habits as an agent.

Action plan: Habits to adopt this month

Exercise 45 minutes first thing in the morning. You’ve taken care of yourself first, and the endorphins will energize you throughout the day. I feel a million times more fit in just a couple months of doing this!

Review your business tracker daily. Make sure that each day you’re setting aside time to go through your active client list, lead list, pending sales, and pipeline. Use this focus time with yourself or your team to create your daily action plan. Don’t have a business tracker? Reply to this email the word “tracker,” and I’ll send you a demo of mine.

Post 3 stories on social media daily showing a behind-the-scenes look at your real estate business. People love to observe and this is a chance to show your expertise in a friendly, casual manner. Plus, it’s an easy way to create consistency in your social media content.

Connect with your sphere of influence on social media. Spend 30 minutes engaging with your sphere, showing genuine interest in their lives. Comment on their vacation posts, congratulate their recent graduate, etc. Nurture your relationships, 2024 style.

Read 10 pages of non-fiction. Feed your mind with inspiring stories and get great ideas to support your business.

Jazmyn Bethel, one of my first students in The Elevated Agent Collective, recently shared with me how transforming her habits has elevated her real estate business to “flourish this year” in spite of market conditions.

Jazmyn says that focusing on herself has led to a huge increase in her confidence and knowing she’s worthy of the success she wants. This has helped her communicate her value as an agent, resulting in new opportunities, such as landing her first development project.

Conclusion: Your journey to elevation starts now!

It’s said that we become what we surround ourselves with. Energies are contagious. My program, The Elevated Agent Collective, is a community of agents dedicated to elevating their lives and real estate businesses so they can have more money, more business, and more peace in their lives.

In the Collective, you get:

– Instant access to The Elevated Agent Content Library, where I walk you through everything I’ve done to build my top 1% luxury real estate team. No gatekeeping whatsoever! 

– Weekly group coaching calls where I’ll personally help you troubleshoot, strategize, and give you exactly what YOU need to create the business you know you’re worthy of. 

– Resources, including the #1 most valuable asset of my business, the OWN Your Business Real Estate Tracker, which helped us 4X our sales in 3 years.

Can you do it alone? Sure. But it’s a lot more fun and fulfilling to be in a community where you can connect & collaborate with other Elevated Agents from around the country to ask questions, share ideas, and get support in our private community.

About Lacey Newman

Lacey is the leading luxury listing agent in the Green Hills area, curating effective sales strategies for hundreds of clients including industry leaders, celebrities, and professional athletes. She is also the host of The American Dream: Selling Nashville where she gains national television exposure for her properties and highlights the lifestyle and culture of the Nashville community.

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