In 2014, life threw me a curveball—I got divorced. At the same time, my daughter Victoria started kindergarten at a small Christian private school, a place we had been connected with even before she was born.

Suddenly, I found myself single, returning to work, and feeling like the odd mom out. I felt the weight of being one of the very few divorced moms at school, and the stigma sometimes made me feel like divorce was contagious. (Has anyone else worn the Scarlett D?)

It was an incredibly tough period, especially when our first school day coincided with the divorce. That moment was just beyond heartbreaking. But standing at that low point, I knew I had to figure it out. Three things set me apart at that moment.

Reflecting on those times still chokes me up—I can see the pain in my own eyes in pictures from that period. What made a difference for me?

Looking back, the way I felt about my business was a cocktail of worry, fear, confusion, and overwhelm:

To be frank, it sucked. It was awful. But I had no choice but to navigate through it and do things differently.

Fast forward to today, and the change is monumental. I am now the proud leader of the Heard Newman team. Together with my partner, we’ve built an incredible team and have $150 million worth of listings in our pipeline this year.

I’m more than excited—I’ve found my true purpose in helping other agents overcome the same struggles that once plagued me.

How I Feel About My Business Today

Mind you, I don’t claim to have everything perfect. But on most days, I feel:

Just this week, one of my quotes was featured in Yahoo Finance. I’ve been quoted in the Wall Street Journal and have had my spotlights from the American Dream TV show up on HGTV and the Travel Channel.

Had you shown that terrified young mom from years ago where she would be today, she wouldn’t believe it.

A Message to You

I share this journey with you because I want you to know that if this was possible for me, it is absolutely possible for you. I didn’t have any special gifts or advantages—it was simply a lot of hard work and strategy.

So believe me when I say: You can build a wildly successful real estate business and maintain a wonderfully sustainable personal life when you establish a purposeful prioritization plan.

Want to create your own purposeful prioritization plan? The you need to join me in The Elevated Agent Collective learn more about my program and how YOU can hit your next level as an agent. ✨↗️

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