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Embrace your success: why hiring help is your next power move

I was chatting with an agent friend recently. She was venting about all the things she KNOWS she needs to do to build her brand:

  • Get super clear on her unique value proposition.
  • Consistently create content that feels authentic and resonates with her ideal clients.
  • Finally, create a logo she loves.

And that’s just the beginning. 

Once her brand is fully baked, she knows she needs to:

  • Launch that neighborhood farming campaign she’s been dreaming about for a year. Her marketing and tech tools are top-notch, way better than those used by agents currently dominating her area.
  • Perfect her listing presentation so she has a pitch she’s proud of.

Here’s the kicker: We’ve had this same conversation for nearly a year. She’s stuck in the same rut as many agents. The thing she LOVES about real estate? Being with her clients. Serving them. Sharing her knowledge 1-on-1. That’s what fuels her.

All the branding stuff? Not so much.

So, I asked her why she hasn’t hired an assistant or marketing coordinator. Her answer floored me. Even though she’s made OVER $400,000 this year, she doesn’t feel like she should spend the money. Why? Because she doesn’t have a lot of listings or ready buyers in her pipeline. WHAT?!

Hold up. If you’ve made over $400k this year, not only CAN you hire an assistant, you MUST!

I asked her what belief is holding her back from investing in her business. The answer? Fear. Fear of not living up to her past success and sustaining an income level that justifies hiring help.

I get it. Many agents are feeling this way. Post-Covid years have been some of our best. But the RIGHT way, the ABUNDANT way, to look at it is to use past success to fuel future growth.

That extra income? It’s capital. Capital to invest in business growth. This hire will free her up to maximize revenue-generating activities—being in front of her sphere, connecting with past clients, prospecting new business—while her new hire handles the stuff she’s been procrastinating.

Without business development activities running in the background, you’re stuck living commission check to commission check. Period. This is what separates typical agents from the truly successful ones.

Investing in your business takes courage, but it is possible and necessary no matter where you are in your business currently if you want to get to the next level. Maybe it’s hiring extra help around the house. Maybe it’s a transaction coordinator to handle paperwork. Maybe it’s a buyer’s agent so you can stop showing homes on weekends and spend more time with your family.

If you’re feeling “stuck,” you’re probably doing too much yourself. The secret to freedom (and more money) is having the discipline and courage to invest in YOURSELF.

As my friend wisely put it, “Growth is scary, and I have to do things that are uncomfortable. But, I’m getting comfortable with that, too!” 

About Lacey Newman

Lacey is the leading luxury listing agent in the Green Hills area, curating effective sales strategies for hundreds of clients including industry leaders, celebrities, and professional athletes. She is also the host of The American Dream: Selling Nashville where she gains national television exposure for her properties and highlights the lifestyle and culture of the Nashville community.

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