Welcome to the Blog

This is where we talk branding, marketing and the business of real estate.

Embrace your success: why hiring help is your next power move

5 ways to love your real estate business in any market

The plunge I never wanted to take- and why I did…

Ready to build a team that supports your strengths? Our decade-long partnership that defied the odds

My Journey Through Personal Branding

You’re going to struggle if you can’t do this…

The #1 thing holding agents back

One quick fix to get more referrals from past clients

I’m still young…for a real estate agent!

See Real Estate Differently 

Overcoming the fear of the camera

Real Estate’s PR Crisis and what YOU can do about it

OWN Your Business So You Can Grow Your Business

How to Multiply Your Listings as an Agent

Business Practices that Need to DIE in 2024